
BoundlessOceans,VastSkiesisaCantonesesongwrittenandrecordedbytheHongKongrockbandBeyond.Releasedin1993ontheCantonesealbumRockand ...,,Recommendedbasedonthissong;海阔天空MetroVocalGroup;JianDanAi(SimpleLove)PennYo;魔力红(MagicMaroon)Calculasian.,,MetroisaversatileanddynamicvocalgrouporiginallyhailingfromtheUnitedStates.NowbasedinHongKong,theyhaveperformedinternationallysince1998.,UnderaVastSky.....

Boundless Oceans, Vast Skies

Boundless Oceans, Vast Skies is a Cantonese song written and recorded by the Hong Kong rock band Beyond. Released in 1993 on the Cantonese album Rock and ...

海阔天空Under a Vast Sky

Recommended based on this song ; 海阔天空Metro Vocal Group ; Jian Dan Ai (Simple Love)PennYo ; 魔力红(Magic Maroon)Calculasian.


Metro is a versatile and dynamic vocal group originally hailing from the United States. Now based in Hong Kong, they have performed internationally since 1998.

Under a Vast Sky by Metro Vocal Group

Under a Vast Sky ... Metro Vocal Group is a dynamic and innovative vocal group based in Hong Kong. The members Kevin, Sean, Eric and Mike all hail from the United ...